11 mei 2022
Deze KennisKring bijeenkomst heeft plaatsgevonden op de tweede dag van het Geospatial World Forum in Zaandam op 10 tot 12 mei. De titel van onze bijeenkomst is ontleend aan het thema van dit internationaal toonaangevende congres: Geography & Humanity.
De deelnemers van deze KennisKring kregen toegang tot de Exhibition Hall waar je de rest van de dag in twee theater opstellingen lezingen en trainingen kon bijwonen. Zo kon je de innovaties van tientallen bedrijven op de beursvloer bezoeken.
Dutch Innovations for Geography & Humanity (NB ENGELSTALIG!)
Een aantal van de leidende innovatieve Nederlandse ondernemingen heeft het publiek geboeid en verbaast. Use-cases van Nederlandse bodem over 3D & AI, DigitalTwins & businesss cases, Scenario- en GeoCommunicatie-tooling voor gebiedsontwikkeling en meer, vormden de rode draad.
Presentaties (Engelstalig)
10:00 Welcome
Douwe Blanksma, CEO - Ruimteschepper
In a short overview Douwe shared the trending innovations in The Netherlands and moderated the session.
10:10 Digital Twins for Safe Cities
Jeroen Steenbakkers, CEO - Argaleo
Jeroen presented how they developed a Digital Twin for crowd management in multiple smart cities in de Netherlands. The COVID-19 challenges lead to an increased demand in understanding of the crowd flows in cities. Argaleo connected multiple data source to create real-time insights and productions to support public safety. Now, post-covid, this same technology is used to improve the mobility, economics and eventually the livability of cities.
10:45 There’s no one ring to rule them all
Harald Görtz, Business Consultant - Imagem
A general policy to apply climate measures does not work. And a Digital Twin is not an answer to your question. But combined with the right analyses, it does provide insight into the challenge. This is the way to level in a conversation with the stakeholders. Show what is possible and what the consequences are. Together, in 5D.
11:15 Interdisciplinary collaboration by integrating BIM, DT & 3D
Casper van Vulpen, Director of Sales - Future Insight
How can data, 3D and digital, interdisciplinary collaboration improve the development of civil projects and our living environment. We are happy to show you how this can be succesfull by sharing examples of f.i. Estland and Rotterdam.
11:45 Digital Twins usage in GeoDesign for scenarioplanning
Florian Witsenburg, CEO - Tygron
Scenario planning by using Digital Twins and how to use them, Florian will demonstrate the power. The Tygron Geodesign Platform is an open digital infrastructure for combining (geo) data, models and applications. It helps organizations to make quick and informed decisions and solve the world’s biggest challenges, such as floods, droughts, heat waves, energy, housing, infrastructure, quality of life and the economy.
12:15 Forum with all 4 inspirators
How to evolve to data driven policies and even better, data driven descisions by using 3 to 5D Geospatial data?
In de twee andere theaters deelden internationaal toonaangevende onderzoekers, professoren en praktijkspecialisten hun kennis in de vorm van inspiraties en beknopte trainingen.
Theater-2 - Deep-dive Technology
In dit track trof je presentaties in de vorm van Deep-dive & Technology Sessions (UAV, SAR, AI, Automation & Robotics, HD Mapping) samen met Live-tech/Product demo's door eersteklas technologie en gebruikersindustrie.
Theater-3 - Exploring fundamentals of Geospatial Infrastructure
Dit track was een trainingsprogramma waarin deelnemers de grondbeginselen van geospatial konden verkennen. De trainingen werden gegeven door vooraanstaande professoren en leiders uit de academische wereld en de industrie. Onderwerpen die aan bod kwamen waren o.a.:
Fundamentals of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and 3D Digital Twin; Geographic Information Science and Spatial Analysis; Geospatial Standards on Positioning, Navigation, and Timing; High-Precision UAV Mapping.